~ Tuesday, December 28, 2004 ~
2005 New Type Calendar Cover
To be fair, I scanned the cover of the calendar that came with the January issue of New Type as well:
Shin Asuka from Gundam SEED DESTINY!

2005 New Type Calendar Back
Here's the back of the 2005 New Type Calendar:
Lunamaria and Rey from Gundam SEED DESTINY!

2005 Animage Calendar Cover
Scanner!! XD

To commemorate this historical moment (?), I scanned the cover of the desk calendar that came with the January issue of Animage:
Athrun, Kira, and Tori from Gundam SEED!

~ Monday, December 13, 2004 ~
Wallpaper for December 2004
Snapshot of wallpaper for December 2004:
fan art of Athrun from Gundam SEED!

Yes, I know SEED is a thing of the past, but I don't have a suitable picture of DESTINY (yet). Since Athrun has donned the ZAFT pilot suit once again, I thought this would be fitting. Cut through the darkness and sever the root of all pandemonium, Athrun! (preview-esque XP)

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