~ Friday, June 10, 2005 ~
Here's my Firefox UI.
Originally, my favourite theme for Firebird was Christmas, but the author stopped updating for a long time and I had to change theme when I upgraded.
Zannen desu... The current theme is not as pretty but still very cute. The cat throbber even bounces the ball with its tail when the page is loading.
The UI setting is very similar to that of Mozilla except for the search bar and absence of the actual bookmark on the personal bookmark bar. Only Google Japan and Google Taiwan are in the personal bookmark because I use the search bar for Google.com. On the right of the personal bookmark are Edit CSS and the print button. I don't print at all but I kept the button 'cause I think it's cute. The only thing I have on the bottom is Adblock, which is also present in Mozilla but I forgot to mention because I never pay any attention to it. The status bar is always showing a Javascript error message ever since I tried the rikaixul extension. I might need to remove it completely to get rid of the error message... if I feel like doing it. It's my nature to procrastinate. XD
# posted by sanopup @ 4:50 p.m.
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Seeing how people are showing their Firefox UI setting, might as well post mine, too. Yes, this is Mozilla.
I've been using this Eskimo theme pretty much since the beginning. I really like the design and the colours. They go well with my Windows setting, and the purple scroll turns neon green when mouseover. The navigation bar consists of the four buttons, the URL bar, and the throbber. Homepage is set at Google Japan but I rarely use the Home button and always use the one in the personal bookmark (closer to the centre and easier to reach). There are three Google links in my personal bookmark, btw: Google Japan, Google Taiwan, and Google (which auto-redirects to Google Canada). The bottom left are the buttons for Mozilla Mail, Composer, and ChatZilla. Of those, I only use Mozilla Mail.
That's it for the UI. Maybe I'll post my other preferences and settings in the future if I feel like it.
# posted by sanopup @ 4:26 p.m.
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~ Thursday, June 09, 2005 ~
Snapshot of wallpaper for June 2005:
fan art of Kouya and Rokuta from
Juuni Kokuki!
Yes, I skipped May because 1)I was busy and lazy, 2)the previous image's feeling is too good, and 3)I couldn't find a picture inspiring enough.
Anyway, this is for paying tribute to the extraordinary series known as
Juuni Kokuki as well as for commemorating the complete viewing of its anime.
# posted by sanopup @ 11:52 p.m.
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